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31 Cards in this Set

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Best film ever?
Citizen Kane
What kind of personality did Orson Wells have?
brash and self confident
Who was Bernard Hermann?
composed music for Citizen Kane and Psycho
How did Citizen Kane do financially?
Who was the first actor to guest star in the Abbey Players of Dublin?
Orsen Wells
Who created war of the worlds?
Orsen Wells
What was William Randolf Hearst famous for?
collecting art, elaborate picnics, supporting his mistress
Who was an established trouble maker?
Orsen Wells
What was "Rosebud" a symbol of in Citizen Kane?
lost youth, missed opportunities, love of objects over people
How was "deep focus" achieved?
high-quality light, fast film, and wide angle lenses
Sum up the history of motion pictures in one word.
How was fast action captured on film?
gelatin bromide dry plate process
What kind o0f movie projector did Richard Maddox invent?
Who invented the first motion picture camera?
William Dickson
What is "cinema" short for?
What were Auguste & Louis Lumiere first films?
glorified home movies
Who is considered te founder of special effects?
George Melies of France
Who innovated action movies?
Edwin Stratton Porter
Who invented the concept of Cinematic Time?
Edwin Stratton Porter
Who is infamous for the film "Birth of a Nation"
David Griffith
Why is the silent film era important?
established the motion picture industry as a powerful business force
What is the "Statuette" also known as?
The Oscar
What times were considered the great technical age of movies?
1930's and 1940's
Who invented the audio tube?
Lee De Forest
Name 2 sound systems?
Vitaphone & Phonofilm
What movie first used sound?
The Jazz Singer
Describe Cinescope - Panavision
wide screen one camera and projector
When did double features begin?
Who is the king of B movies?
Roger Corman
Descibe "The Shot"
continuous picture where the camera doesn't stop
What are the 4 ethical concerns of the movies?
stereotypes, violence, and smoking copyright infringement